Sunday, March 27, 2011

4 Months Old

Maggie is 4 months old! My how the time has flown! She's now old enough to be in the exersaucer but she only likes to be in it for a couple minutes at a time. Our home scale shows that Maggie weighs 16 pounds. We've moved her to her crib and sold the bassinet so there's no coming back to our room now! We've also stopped swaddling her because she kept wiggling out of it at night. She's now in a sleep sack to stay warm. She's sleeping about 9:30 pm to 5 am, but we're having to go into her room a couple times a night to give her back the binkie. I'm guessing she's drinking around 25 ounces a day but believe it or not, I actually quit writing everything down. First, I stopped writing down every diaper I changed; then I quit writing down her naps and then I quit writing down what she ate. She's still alive so I'm guessing I don't need to be so anal in keeping track of everything! Gene laughed and said he was proud of me! Maggie is still in 3-6 month clothes. Maggie rolled over that one time, but we're still waiting to see her do it again.

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