Sunday, May 15, 2011


After the ear infection, we had trouble getting Maggie back into a good sleeping pattern. She kept pulling her binkie out as she was rubbing the ribbon the kept it clipped to her clothes. Then I remembered seeing her rub the silky part on a blanket I'd covered her up with when she was sleeping in the chair in our bedroom. I know they say not to put anything in bed with your baby so they won't sufficate, but when I give her the rabbit lovie she rubs it in her hands and falls asleep so much faster. We check to make sure that it stays down by her hip before we go to bed at night. Sometimes she pulls it up to rub on her cheek and we just move it back by her hip after she falls asleep so she can find it, if/when she wakes up in the middle of the night. We're back to getting full nights of sleep and are very thankful for that!
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