Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Morning--presents from Mom

The first gift the girls received from me was matching shirts.  I've bought coordinating clothes for the girls before but this was the first time they had matching clothing.  They both liked the shirts and were excited that they were identical.

The potato head toys were a hit!

The girls each got 2 books.  Mena's were Pete the Cat books on cd.  Maggie got Sheep in a Jeep on cd and Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon that I'll read to her.  I'm glad my girls both enjoy reading!


Mena was excited as soon as she saw Hello Kitty on the box!  The game is similar to Candy Land and both girls enjoy playing it.

Maggie got Sequence for Kids which she enjoys.  It is a matching animal game.

Mena's first comment as she opened this present was, "You bought me another pair of boots?"  I told her I'd just used the box to wrap her present and there weren't boots inside.

Mena likes her two princess dress up clothes and tossed aside the vet outfit saying, "I've already got that at my dad's house."  She has played with the vet outfit more than the dresses since Christmas so I still think it was a good idea to get her!

Maggie got a fire fighter outfit and two princess dresses.  She wanted to know what the ax was for so I explained what it is used for.

Mena then asked Maggie if she could put on the fire fighter coat and went down the hall to cut down her bedroom door to save her baby doll from the fire! 

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